The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Lifetron Hospital has well qualified and experienced consultants, who have been trained in the best institutes of India. These consultants are supported by a team of well trained and experienced nurses. A paediatrician is present for all deliveries to take care of new born- your loved one.
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Obstetric Services : We take care of your family , right from your dream to become parents
- Counselling for Newly Married Couples
- Pre-conception Counselling
- Contraception advice and services
- Antenatal Care : for prevention of most medical problems and early detection helps to improve pregnancy outcomes from early pregnancy stage.
- High Risk Pregnancy in conjunction with various medical specialities for patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, blood disorders, tumours, previous pregnancy losses, pre term labour and delivery, growth restricted babies, post transplant pregnancies ,any other medical disorder ;support of ICU
- Painless Labour
- Reproductive endocrinology (hormonal defects)
- Infertility Treatment
- Multi-speciality care in fetal wellbeing, anaesthesia, associated cardiac, mental, renal ,and general medical problems with experienced endocrinologist, physician, anaesthetist, ultra-sonologist, etc.

Gynaecological Services
- Medical and surgical management for infertility, prolapsed uterus, fibroids, endometriosis ,other tumors of the uterus and ovaries.
- Management of dysfunctional uterine bleeding and other menstrual abnormalities
- Gynaecological endocrinological services including adolescent, menopausal and other reproductive age problems
- Early detection , prevention and treatment of cancer of the uterus, cervix, vagina, vulva and ovaries
- Hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic sterilization/ligation
- Harmone Replacement Therapy :Menapause Clinic

Orthopedic Surgery
Lifetron Hospital offers the latest in Orthopedic treatments and Orthopedic surgical advancements at par with the best centers in India.Our department offers best diagnostic and therapeutic services for the management of disorders of bones, joints and associated structures.
We have got a team of highly qualified and experienced surgeons performing latest and best techniques . Our orthopedicfacilities have got the latest cutting edge technology in terms of equipments, X-Ray ,C-ARM,operating rooms, recovery areas ,etc.
Physiotherapy and rehabilitation services are available to restore the health and functional abilities of people after spinal cord disorders and injuries, amputation, joint replacement, sports injuries, fractures and ligament injuries.
- Joint replacement surgeries of knee (primary, complex primary & revision replacements ) and hip (TKR and THR) including hip resurfacing
- Management of bone and joint problems resulting from injuries, infections, nutritional or metabolic disorders
- Trauma and fracture surgeries
- Management of arthritis, open fractures, limbs lengthening using Ilizarov method
- Treatment of osteomyelitis
- Arthroscopic ligament reconstruction (ACL), meniscus and chondral surgeries through Key Hole surgeries
- Management for spinal deformities like scoliosis and spondylolisthesis
- Pediatric orthopedic surgeries and Management of juvenile Arthritis and metabolic bone disorders
- Pain Management
General Surgery
We have a team of highly qualified and skilled surgeons , trained in reputed institutions perform wide range of surgeries . Our expertise in laparoscopic and hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery is well known in our area. We have got well equipped three operation theators with support of 24 hour pathology , radiology , ICU and other emergency services.
Pre-operative checks: in order to diagnose any potential problems , before any surgery pre operative checks are carried out to optimize patient’s condition .Senior consultants of department are involved in preoperative checks in addition to anesthetists’ assessment . Further our aim is to diagnose and manage new and existing medical problems prior to surgical procedures and afterwards. Consultants are available to take on spot decisions for treatment of patients
- Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS) as minimally invasive surgical technique for faster recovery , minimize scars, and reduced .
- Upper gastrointestinal surgery for diseases affecting the liver, esophagus and stomach
- Colorectal surgery for diseases of the colon, rectum and anal canal
- Trauma and accidents
- Surgical emergencies
- Endocrine surgery for thyroid and other endocrine glands
- Breast surgery for any tumors, both benign and malignant

Our highly qualified and experienced specialists take care of problems and diseases related to your Ear, Nose and Throat and provide total solutions. In order to ensure your faster recovery , we focus on less painful minimal invasive surgeries , which are mostly on day care basis.
- Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS)
- Endoscopic sinus surgeries for chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps
- Mandatory test to detect hearing defects in new born for their early management
- Tonsillectomy, nasal septum deviation and tympanoplasty (ear drum surgeries)
- Micro-laryngeal and ear surgery
- Surgeries for stapedotomy, turbinoplasty and treatment for snoring
- Rhinoplasty for correction and restructuring, restoring functions and aesthetically enhancing the nose
- Micro-laryngeal surgeries for vocal nodules, polyps and thyroplasty for vocal cord palsy
We provide total health care solutions for children right from their neo-natal to adloscent stage including 24 hours pediatric emergency and immunisation services. Lifetron Hospital has well qualified and experienced consultants, who have been trained in the best institutes of India . The pediatric department is supported by the services like NICU ,PICU, pathology , audiology, radiology and pharmacy. Mandatory test to detect hearing defects in new born for their early management
- Neonatology
- Neo-natal critical care (NICU)
- Pediatric critical care (PICU)
- Growth and developmental disorders
- Pediatric neuropsychology
- Pediatric ophthalmology
- Pediatric endocrinology
- Pediatric surgery
- Child psychiatry
- Pediatric allergy and immunology
- ENT including audiology
- Pediatric orthopedics
- Pediatric pulmonologist

Our Dental Department offers full-service comprehensive and emergency care to patients of all age groups including orthodontics, implant dentistry and restorative dentistry .
Our consultants are well trained and qualified dentists, who have rich experience of working in best of the institutions.
- General Dentistry
- Public Health Dentistry,
- Complete and partial dentures
- Restorative dentistry – Cosmetic tooth restorations
- Endodontics,
- Bleaching of teeth
- Root canal treatment
- Crown and Bridge
- Smile designing
- Implant dentistry
- Oral And Maxillofacial Pathology,
- Oral And Maxillofacial Radiology,
- Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery,
- Orthodontics (crooked teeth and for facial deformity), Pediatric Dentistry,
- Periodontics,
- Prosthodontics,
- Tooth Jewelry
Emergency & Trauma Care
Please call : 75 33 00 51 72 for all assistance
Emergency Care guarantees our community the highest levels of skill, expertise and infrastructure. Our treatment protocols are designed to respond quickly and have proven outcomes which are as per standard protocols. We actively leverage our multi-specialty prowess to deliver the crucial edge in emergency care.
All trauma patients are evaluated by the surgical team.
We have doctors to handle emergencies round the clock. Emergency Room is well equipped to carry out minor procedures so that patients can be stabilized in within shortest possible time.
Those cases that cannot be handled at tour hospital are stabilized and transported in fully equipped ACLS ambulances with ventilator support to Medical College or any other such higher centers.
The emergency department also provides therapeutic services like
- 24/7 ambulance services
- Nebulization and antibiotic infusions on an outpatient basis
- Minor procedures
- Poly trauma
- Accident and emergency
- Emergencies due to any disorder
- Resuscitation and stabilization

We have got one of the best neurosurgery department in our community , supported by qulaified and experienced surgeons. Our team has credit of performing rarest of surgeries in order to save life and reduce disabilities. Our air is to eveovle ourselves in the field of neuro surgery to improve quality of life. Comprehensive neuro-trauma services are available 24 X 7 to provide emergency care for patients needing surgical and ICU management of head and spinal injuries.
- Neurosurgery for comprehensive management of diseases and disorders of the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves
- Modern neurosurgery including trauma care, cerebrovascular surgery, interventional neuroradiology, endoscopic neurosurgery, minimally invasive neurosurgery and stereotactic neurosurgery
- Skull base surgery and surgical excision of skull base tumors, cranio facial resection and CSF (Cerebrospinal fluid) leak repair
- Pediatric neurosurgeries like shunt surgery and surgery for spinal dysraphism
Emergency & Trauma Care
We in Nephrology Department offers a comprensive treatment for Kidney related disesaes. Support Equipments availble are one of the best in the industry . Our consultants are experienced and capable of provding total solutions in renal problems.
- Hemodialysis for acute and chronic renal failure patients, drug overuse etc
- Short term dialysis prior to transplantation
- Facilities for CRRT (Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy) for critically ill patients requiring dialysis
- Strict Protocols and Exclusive facilities for dialysis of patients suffering from Hepatitis B and C
- Acute renal failure
- Chronic renal failure
- Acute and chronic nephritis
- Nephrotic syndrome
- Reno vascular hypertension

Lifetron Hospital offers a wide range of services for urological disorders & disease and is supported by lab and diagnostic services such as radiology, pathology, microbiology ,etc. We have got modern facilities and latest equipment to treat all urological diseases. Our strength is dedicated and experienced consultants.
- PCNL (Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Surgery)
- Neurourology
- Urologic oncology
- URS (Ureterorenoscopy)
- Urogynecology : Female urological procedures like VVF (Vesico Vaginal Fistula), UVF (Uretero Vaginal Fistula), RVF(Recto Vaginal Fistula ) and TVT (Tension Free Vaginal Tape) or TOT (Trans Obturator Tape)
- Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy
- Pediatric urology
- Laparoscopic stone removal
- Transurethral crushing of the bladder stone
- Conventional and bipolar TURP (Trans Urethral Resection of the Prostate)
- Trans Rectal Ultrasonography (TRUS)
- Reconstructive urology like urethroplasty and pyeloplasty
- Andrology procedures like testicular biopsy (percutaneous and open), microsurgical varicocelectomy, vaso- vasostomy (vasectomy reversal) and treatment of erectile dysfunction
Pathology at our Hospital provides 24 x 7 laboratory services with a primary focus on ‘Zero error’. Laboratory results are available within a defined time frame and critical results are intimated immediately to the concerned personnel. We have got laid down procedures for collection, identification, handling, safe transportation, processing, and disposal of specimens. Trained personnel perform, supervise & interpret the investigations, finally reporting is done by an experienced pathologist.
Our machines are calibrated as per guidelines laid by their respective manufacturers.
- Chemical pathology
- Hematopathology
- Blood Transfusion medicine
- Clinical microbiology
- Cytogenetic
- Molecular genetics pathology.

Our Radiology Department is well equipped and is able to meet the requirements of patients ,adequately . World Class Equipments , instaaled here are handled by the best radiologist with rich experience in the field of radio-diagnosis.
Our paramount mission is to provide competent, courteous, and compassionate clinical services which are uniformly of the highest quality. Our work must always be shaped by high-quality medical care to our patients, highest ethical principles and we must be guided by what is best for the patient.
- Image Intensifier- C-Arm
- X-Ray
- Ultrasound
Internal Medicine
Internal medicine is the basis on which all the medical super specialty treatment are based. Our internal medicine department is the first point of contact for any patient who seeks a specialist opinion, analyses various problems and then if required refers to the concerned super specialist whose highly specialized skills are used for the patients’ benefit.
Our Internal Medicine Departmentat is an umblical chord which links with all the departments and specialties in the hospital . This department is managed by a team of experienced and well trained consultants, senior residents and medical officers.
- Critical care:
Intensive care treatment and management of critically ill/compromised patients, infectious diseases, drug overdose and poisoning and other medical emergencies like Septicemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, shock of any kind, meningitis, pneumonia etc. It is supported by our well equipped ICU. - Management of chronic diseases
- Treatment of infectious diseases like Malaria, Typhoid fever, Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, Dengue fever, influenza etc.
- Management of drug overdoses and poisoning
- Environmental disease management includes diseases due to Industrial chemical exposure, drowning, electrical injuries, radiation injuries, snake bite, lizard bite, dog bite, insect or scorpion bite are treated in department on Internal medicine.
- Allergy workup and management includes Allergy testing and treatments offered to difficult cases like Bronchial asthma, Rhinitis and other diseases.
- Executive Health Check up
Health check-ups not only assess your present health status, but also screen you for any risk factors and thus help you take necessary steps in prevention or early detection of any major illness. Health check up packages include clinical assessment , along with a complimentary nutritious breakfast followed by comprehensive advice related to your health status during follow up visit.

- Adoloscent Counseling
We provide not only therapeutic but also preventive care and counsel adoloscents on basic lifestyle changes to improve their quality of life and reduce stress. We provide help for:
- Teen depression, anxiety, anger and stress
- School and family problems
- Drug and alcohol use
- Eating disorders
- Cutting and other forms of self-harm
- Domestic violence, physical and emotional abuse
- Sexual abuse, rape and sexual assault
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Adult vaccination/Immunisation
Adult immunization must become a funda¬mental part of routine patient care. Adult vaccination saves lives.Committed to providing convenient, personalized, and cost-effective immunization services such as
- Tdap (Tetanus , diphtheria acellular pertussis and acellular pertussis) ,
- Hepatitis A , B ,
- Human papilloma virus ,
- Measles, Mumps and Rubella ,
- Pneumococcal,
- Typhoid ,
- Influenza ,
- Rabies,
- Varicella (Chicken pox)
- Haemophilus influenzae Type b (Hib) vaccine ,
- Meningococcal meningitis
- Zoster (Shingles)
Life Style Modification Clinic (LSM Clinic)
LSM Clinic has been rendering services to patients suffering from life style diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, dyslipidemia. Large number of patients have been counseled on diabetes diet, yoga and exercise.
Attractive yoga packages are available. Dietician, Yoga Therapist and Physiotherapists practically demonstrate value of diet, yoga and exercise in diabetes control.
- Diabetes ClinicA multidisciplinary Diabetes Clinic offers best treatment with attractive packages for patients for total health check and education. The clinic has treated large number of patients.Special facilities such as foot evaluation, Biothesiometry and cardiac autonomic nervous system evaluator and Doppler studies are available.Services:
Free Diabetes Education which includes following topics- What is Diabetes?
- Symptoms and signs of Diabetes.
- Complications of Diabetes.
- Diet and Diabetes.
- Exercise and Diabetes.
- Yoga and Diabetes.
- Geriatric Clinic
Daily Free Geriatric Clinic is available. We offer free ambulance services for picking uo and dropping off senior citizens . In order to avoid rush , senior citizens can fix appointment and come in the afternoons to avoid the morning rush.We provide home delivery of medicines ,collection of samples for pathological services ,etc. for senior citizens. - HIV Clinic
We take care of HIV Patients also.
Facilities Available
Voluntary testing and counselling,drug for prevention of parent to child transmission, antiretroviral therapy at concession, CD4 count free or at low rates. In addition multidisciplinary team gives total care and improves quality of life of HIV patients.

- Thyroid and Hormone Clinic
We take care of problems related with Thyroid and other harmones including HRT for menopause among females.
Services Available
Total thyroid care, evaluation for other hormone problems such as adrenal disorder, polycystic ovarian syndrome, pituitary problems, obesity, hypogonadism and other rare endocrine disorders. - Rheumatology Clinic
Rheumatology Clinic has been functioning to cater to the needs of people with multiple joint problems. A multidisciplinary team with complete diagnostic workshop can solve any difficult joint diseases.

Body Shaping:
Body shaping will help you to achieve Zero Figure and add curves to your waist line, breasts,etc. You can work back in reshaping your hips,buttocks, inner thighs,breats,arms,neck,etc.
- Tummy Tuck
- Fat and inch loss
- Body contouring
- Breast Shaping
Cosmetology and Body Shaping
You deserve to look fabulous and confident. Comprehensive solutions provided by Lifetron Hospital make you to smile when you look at mirror. Our trained and educated consultants and skilled paramedics support our mission make you to look great and feel better. We use safe and latest equipments.
Skin Care:
- Removal of unwanter hair by LASER from upper and bottom lips , under arms both sides , whole face
- LASER Face Skin Tightening/wrinkles treatment
- Acne LASER Treatment
- Wart Removal by LASER
- Skin Rejuvenation by LASER(non-surgical)
- Tattoo Removal by LASER
- Weight Loss Therapy
- Removal of Stretch Marks
Hair Care: Low Level Laser therapy for
- LASER Treatment for Hair Loss
- LASER Treatment for Dandruff
- LASER Treatment for prevention of baldness